Reset rating system in Joomla!
To reset the ratings of an article in Joomla!, you must have access to website’s MySQL database. Using PhpMyAdmin is the best way to reset an Joomla article ratings.
To reset the article ratings in Joomla you must follow these steps:
1. Open PhpMyAdmin from Control Panel or from server (depending on server type and hosting package)
2. In PHPMyAdmin select your Joomla! database
3. From the tables list select jos_content_rating
4. Using unique article ID, identify the item you want to reset rating for
5. Edit the record and set rating_sum and rating_count to zero
If you want to reset the entire rating system in Joomla (reset ratings for all articles), from PHPMyAdmin Menu select SQL and run the command:
UPDATE `jos_content_rating` SET `rating_sum`=0,`rating_count`=0,`lastip`=“