After Google Analytics Dashboard, Clicky Analytics Dashboard and Google Adsense Dashboard it’s time for Youtube Analytics to have its own WordPress Plugin.
YouTube Analytics Dashboard, using YouTube Data API and YouTube Analytics API, retrieves and displays basic reports and stats about your channel.
The installation is straight-forward, without storing any credentials in your WordPress database (usernames or passwords). All you have to do is to authorize the plugin to retrieve your analytics data from your Youtube account.
Youtube Analytics Dashboard Authorization
In order to authorize YouTube Analytics to retrieve reports and data from your YouTube account, you need to go through a simple authorization process. To authorize the plugin go to Settings -> YT Dashboard and press the button called Authorize Application. You will be redirected to your WordPress Administration Dashboard to generate your access code.
To generate the access code, press the link called Get Access Code, a window will open in a new tab asking you to allow specific data from your YouTube account to be used by YouTube Analytics Dashboard for WordPress. After agreement, an access code will be provided by Google API. Copy the code, paste it in your WordPress dashboard on the field called Access Code and save it by pressing the Save Access Code button (for a short demo, watch the video tutorial from above).
After completing the authorization process, the page reloads and a red dashboard will appear, containing a chart with statistics and reports retrieved from your YouTube account. The dashboard will display statistics like:
- number of views
- minutes watched
- average view duration
- video likes
- video dislikes
- number of comments
By checking use your own API Project credentials, web developers or multiple websites owners can choose to create their own API Project and to use it with this plugin.
YouTube Analytics Dashboard Settings
After completing the authorization process, you can go back to plugin’s option page to make some additional settings on the way YouTube Analytics displays your reports. To access the plugin’s option page, go to Settings -> YT Dashboard.
Access Level Settings
Using this feature you can control which user level will be able to display your analytics data. You can choose to allow your contributors, editors or authors to see your YouTube Analytics dashboard in their administration area. If you have a big website it may be a good idea to let your team or partners to see how your YouTube channel is performing.
Additional Stats Section
Using the option called show additional stats like engagement and annotations performance, you can display more insights, in a table, regarding your YouTube channel performance. Using this option, you can have a quick overview of Favorites Added, Favorites Removed, Subscribers Gained, Subscribers Lost, Shares, Annotation Click Through Rate, Annotation Close Rate in a table, on your WordPress Administration Dashboard.
From the drop-down menu called CSS Settings, you can select which theme fits your needs: the light theme, which works great with mobile devices, or the red theme.
Cache Settings
These settings are used to improve the loading speed of your YouTube Analytics dashboard. Because YouTube stats don’t update very often, a five hours refresh rate will work just fine.

To find more details on how this extension works and how your data is used, read Data Usage Policy for my Extensions.