Analytics Insights for WordPress has an additional dashboard, capable to display Real-Time Analytics for your website.
Google Analytics Real-time Reports offer a dynamic and immediate perspective on website activity, allowing users to observe live data related to visitor interactions. This feature provides real-time insights into active user numbers, their geographic locations, current page views, and the sources driving traffic to the site. By offering a snapshot of ongoing user behavior, Google Analytics Real-time Reports enable quick, data-driven decisions for optimizing online content and user experiences.
The Real-Time Analytics dashboard
As you can see, the Real-Time dashboard is split in three main areas.

The first area (form top left) will display the total number of visitors, in the last 30 minutes, browsing your website.
The second area displays stats about the total number of users, in the last 30 minutes, split by the device they were using while browsing your website: Desktop, Tablet, or Mobile device.
The third area contains a list with top N pages and the corresponding number of visitors, in the last 30 minutes, for each page.
Settings for the Real-Time feature
You can setup the maximum number of pages to be displayed on the Real-Time tab (the N number mentioned above). From your WordPress admin screen, select Analytics Insights -> Backend Settings and scroll down to Real-Time Settings section. For Maximum number of pages to display on real-time tab setting enter the number of pages to be displayed.
There is no limit for the number of pages to be displayed, but you should keep this option to a reasonable value (to avoid a negative impact on dashboard’s look and its loading speeds).