Website performance and page load speed plays an important role in SEO. To improve your website performance, is recommended to asynchronously load certain components, such as tracking system code.
Asynchronous Tracking is a Joomla! plugin which allows you to load the tracking code in asynchronous mode, without affecting your website performance.
Asynchronous Tracking Plugin is easy to configure and enables you to asynchronously load your Google Analytics, Chartbeat, Quantcast and/or Clicky tracking code. With this plugin, Google Analytics, Chartbeat, Quantcast and/or Clicky code will be loaded in the background, without affecting your page loading speed.

Asynchronous Tracking features:
- asynchronous Google Analytics tracking code
- asynchronous Clicky Analytics tracking code
- asynchronous Quantcast tracking code
- asynchronous Chartbeat tracking code
- automatic detection of your tracking system
- easy to install and setup
Update: For Google Analytics tracking and / or Clicky Analytics tracking I recommend using these plugins:
- for Google Analytics: Advanced Google Analytics for Joomla
- for Clicky Analytics: Clicky Tracking Code for Joomla
Clicky Analytics is a Real Time Web Analytics service, an alternative to Google Analytics: